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Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take to process my application and receive my ID card and other documents?

If you are applying for coverage under the Patriot series of plans, IMG will process your application and send your ID card and other documents within one business day. If you are applying for coverage under the Global or Group series, IMG will process your application within three to four business days following the receipt of all required information, and your materials will be forwarded the same day coverage is approved. Every attempt will be made to process your application timely. The specific time frame depends largely on the type of coverage for which you are applying. 

I already have health insurance. Why would I need Visitor Insurance in the U.S.?

If you were to suffer an injury or get sick while visiting the United States, you might be surprised by the cost of medical care. You may also be surprised by the limited assistance your domestic insurance provider can provide while you're visiting. Visitor insurance coverage in the U.S. helps to ensure that you don't incur any unforeseen expenses, receive excellent care, and get home quickly and safely if anything were to happen during your visit. 

My family is planning a visit. When should visitors to the U.S. purchase international insurance?

Visitors should plan to get insurance after they plan their trip and receive their visa, but before they arrive in the U.S. The effective dates for coverage should match their visa.

Am I getting the best deal on these plans?

Insurance prices are regulated by the government - you won't find a better price on IMG insurance plans anywhere else.  

What is the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act? (PPACA)

The "Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act," commonly known as PPACA, was first introduced as a measure to deal with rising healthcare costs and numbers of uninsured.

The heart of PPACA consists of three provisions: guaranteed issue (insurers must offer coverage regardless of the applicant's health status or pre-existing conditions), community rating (insurers must offer policies within a given territory at the same price regardless of health status, age, gender, or other factors), and an individual mandate. The individual mandate assures that everyone has a minimum amount of coverage: those above a certain annual income are required to purchase coverage or incur a tax penalty; those who cannot afford it will have their coverage paid for by the government.

As PPACA continues to be implemented and challenged throughout the country, understanding the issues and implications for the international insurance industry and your business becomes all the more important.

I am a non-U.S. citizen that will be traveling to the U.S. temporarily. Do I need PPACA coverage?

IMG’s international travel medical products are not a substitute for minimum essential coverage that you may need to have under PPACA. If you are a U.S. citizen, national or legal resident alien in the U.S., you will need to maintain minimum essential coverage unless you are exempt. Exemptions include:

  • Individuals not residing in the U.S.
  • Non-U.S. citizens who are “non-resident aliens” (for U.S. income tax purposes).  See Am I a Resident or Non-Resident Alien? 
  • Individuals with a coverage gap of less than 3 months
  • Individuals who cannot afford coverage (i.e. required contribution exceeds 8% of household income)
  • Individuals with a religious conscience exemption (applies only to certain faiths)
  • Members of a health care sharing ministry
  • Incarcerated individuals
  • Individuals with income below the tax filing threshold; and
  • Members of Indian tribes


You will not need PPACA coverage for short-term travel to the U.S., unless you are considered an “alien lawfully present” in the U.S. See I am a Non-U.S. citizen covered under a Global Medical Insurance Plan.

In general, PPACA does not govern short-term limited duration insurance, like IMG’s short-term travel medical insurance programs.

However please understand that under PPACA, as of January 1, 2014, extensions of short-term coverage will be limited to less than 12 months to meet the definition of a short-term limited duration plan.

Can I purchase visitors insurance for my relatives?

Yes, the insured does not have to be the one that fills out the application. You can purchase a travel medical plan for your parents, friends, or relatives as long as you have the necessary information.

Are pre-existing conditions covered?

Our Visitors Protect plan offers coverage for pre-existing conditions that gradually develop or worsen over time (such as diabetes or high blood pressure). This plan is designed specifically for individuals and families traveling from their home country to the United States, Canada, and Mexico.

Other IMG international travel medical plans may cover “Acute Onset of Pre-Existing Conditions.” This is different than a more traditional definition of “Pre-Existing Conditions.” Patriot America Plus, Patriot America Platinum, Patriot International, and Visitors Care plans cover acute onset of pre-existing conditions, but they are only covered prior to age 70 and are subject to the language in the insurance plan. Here is our definition of what would be considered an acute onset of a pre-existing condition (according to a sample insurance plan from October 2022):

A sudden and Unexpected outbreak or reoccurrence that is of short duration, is rapidly progressive, and requires urgent medical care. A Pre-existing Condition that is chronic or congenital, or that gradually becomes worse over time is not an Acute Onset of Pre-existing Condition. An Acute Onset of Pre-existing Condition does not include any condition for which, as of the Effective date, the Insured Person (i) knew or reasonably foresaw he/she would receive, (ii) knew or reasonably foresaw he/she should receive, (iii) had scheduled, or (iv) were told that he/she must or should receive, any medical care, drugs or Treatment.

Does my credit card or domestic medical insurance policy cover my travel expenses?

It is best to check all of your existing coverages or insurance policies before traveling abroad so that you're aware of how you're covered and where you have gaps in your existing coverage.